I’m back in Seattle. I’ve unpacked only the basics, leaving most of my boxes of “stuff” unpacked in the basement. I just don’t want to fill my house up with so much stuff again. It’s strange being home, yet not strange at all. It’s hard for me to explain it. I really don’t feel like I’ve stopped traveling yet. Tomorrow, I am flying to Iowa where I will get a car and drive back to Seattle. So I still have 2 weeks of travel ahead of me. Maybe when I get back I’ll finally feel more settled. I have yet to write about my last month of traveling around the world. I had some amazing experiences in Dahab Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Palastine and Cyprus. Writing about them and updating my photos is a priority for me, but I don’t know if it’s going to happen until after I get back from Iowa. So any of you who are wondering if I am ever going to add anything more on this blog the answer is YES! I have so many more photos to show you all. So many, in fact, that I will need several days just to go through them and pick the ones I want to show you. So please be patient…photos and stories will come soon enough.