Category Archives: Nepal

Travel in Nepal


Ok, I’m back and I’ve updated my photos…

Ok, where did we leave off?

The next part of my trip after Burma and a nice diving trip in Thailand was Nepal. When people ask we what my favorite place was on my trip, I tend to give different answers depending on my mood, as each place was a favorite for different reasons. But the place that I most often blurt out is Nepal. Nepal is just a fantastic place, and I had a terrific time there.

I purchased a second digital camera in Bangkok before heading off to Nepal, and it was for this reason that I reluctantly hired a porter for my trek around the Annapurna Range. This allowed me to shoot a lot of photos, as my load was lightened to carry just my camera gear, a few clothing layers and some hiking essentials. Shakti, my porter, carried my sleeping bag, a few extra clothes, my image storage hard drive and extra food along with his own things. Actually he shaved off less than half the weight I would have been carrying on my own, but it was enough to make a difference. [CHECK OUT THE NEW PHOTOS!!!]

Now, ultimately Shakti and Mala, the guide who came with us, ended up being a huge pain in the ass and stole all my money. But I don’t regret having them along on the trek. We had a great time on this trek, and whatever happened afterwards doesn’t diminish this. Had I been smarter, I would have left them in Pokhara. I wanted to leave them in Pokhara. I had decided to leave them to Pokhara…. come to think of it, I DID actually leave them in Pokhara! But they ended up at my door in Katmandu a few days later with a story of how Shakti’s mother needed an emergency operation. I did the nice thing (i.e. stupid, naive thing) and gave him 200.00 dollars. It was a mistake. I couldn’t get rid of them after that. Why? Well for one, they made promises about paying me back by getting me some nice thanka paintings. This of course never materialized. What did happen was that they ended up leeching money from me for two more weeks, always wanting me to pay for their food, their transportation, etc. I actually wasn’t too upset to do this, since in exchange I got two guides and saw more of Nepal than I possibly would have without them, but at that point, I was growing tired of them and would have preferred to have gone it alone without them. hanging out with them was preventing me from meeting new people. I just couldn’t get rid of them. When I finally did announce that I had to go on without them after a week together in Varanasi, they took the first opportunity to rob me off all my cash ($1200.00) and run off. Rotten bastards. These guys were friends, or so I thought. We had been hanging out together for nearly 2 months and although the last week was sort of tense because I knew I had to get rid of them and they knew I wanted to get rid of them, I didn’t think they would betray my trust and steal from me. Live and learn. It cost me a lot of grief and fairly ruined my time in India as I dealt with the anger of being betrayed like that. But I did realize the power of meditation and yoga and discovered “The Power of Now”. After a month of simmering anger, I managed to get back into my trip again. If these guys really are Buddhist/Hindu as they claim, then they know about karma. Unless they gave that money to a charitable organization or did something good with that money, they are going to pay for it one way or another. However, I’m more certain that the money is going to drugs and good times in India. I hope that one day I will be able to go back to Nepal and India and that, by some miracle, I will find them.
I’ve been working for over a month doing construction, and I’ve now earned 1200 dollars. That’s how much time and work it takes to make 1200 dollars. I’ve been conscious that I am working to make back what was stolen from me. $1200 a month doesn’t even cover my basic monthly expenses here in Seattle. But that amount could easily get you by for 3 months traveling in India. And so it goes. So here’s my latest rationalization: I hope I can earn back all of the money I spent on those betrayers by selling the photos they helped me to create. I hope to earn enough to fly back to India and spend a month actually enjoying myself. Karma. Check out my Nepal and India photos and let me know if you are interested in purchasing prints of any of them. Prices are going to start out cheap at $10.00 per 5×7 and $25.00 per 8×10, unmounted. 11×14 and bigger can also be made. I’ll give you a discount if you order more than 5 prints at a time.

So, back to Nepal. I had so many fantastic experiences in Nepal I can’t even begin to talk about them. I’ve been editing photos from my trip, but they don’t really tell the story of my experience. Trekking around the Annapurna mountains was not only one of the best times of my trip, it was one of the best times of my life. I LOVED it and would do it again in a heartbeat. Sadly, this classic trek may soon no longer exist: They are building a ROAD from Pokhara to Multinath. Some of the road is already completed. It was certainly a shock to see motorcycle taxis in Multinath. Though there were only about a dozen that I saw, soon the road will be good enough for trucks, and then I fear it will be spoiled for good. Still, It’s an amazing trek and I can’t recommend it enough. Not only is it filled with stunning mountains, rivers, gorges, forests, and villages… But also the WONDERFUL people I met along the way and, surprisingly, the delicious food. In two words, Dal Bhat. Dal Bhat is a variety of lentil beans, spices, chilies, pickled fruits, and rice. Everyone makes it a little differently, but every way I tasted was wonderful. We ate it every day, with our hands, and I NEVER got tired of it. It’s just that good. Also very good is dried yak meat sauteed in chili oil, and to drink, Raski, hot chai, or a tall glass of fresh buffalo milk with coconut cookies. mmmm. Heaven on earth. I was surprised by how good the food was, but I shouldn’t have been. Kathmandu had great food. Besides that, fresh food always tastes fantastic after you’ve been hiking all day. I trekked part of the way with Nir from Israel and Sam from Australia. They were great guys, but they went ahead after the pass and I was left with Mala and Shakti for the rest of the journey. I’ve actually written a long story of my trek, but as it’s about 20 pages long, I’m not going to post it here. If you are interesting in hearing all of the sorted details, I’d be happy to email it to you.

So enjoy the photos! I am currently about half way through editing them. Please do me a favor and leave me comments under the photos you like most, and check back in a little while: I still have to add India, Egypt, Jordan, Palastine, Cyprus and the rest!


I got ripped off. My Nepali “friends” took all of my cash and ran off. After a few days of frantic attempts to get the Indian Police to help, and complete confusion as to what to do and where to go, I have decided to give it up. I’ve done all I can, contacted everyone I can, and have come to realize that I’m just not going to catch these guys without help which isn’t forthcoming. So I am just trying to get over it, and hope that karma gets them eventually. I am heading to Udaipur to be alone and try to get some peace.


I know, it’s been a long time since I’ve written. I went on a 23 day trek around the Annapurna Mountains, climbed over a 17 thousand foot pass in snow, soaked in hot springs, got 15 dollars extorted from me from Maoist seperatists, ate delicious Dal Baht almost every day, and had a great time. Afterwards, I stayed in the lovely town of Pokhara for over a week just relaxing. I then returned to Kathamandu for a few days and am now in Baktaphur, a gorgous ancient village outside of the pollution and traffic of Kathmandu. I am hoping to have my India visa by friday and to get a bus to Varinasi by Sunday, as a strike is about to start on Monday. Strikes suck here. I had to pay a driver twenty dollars to get from the end of my hike in the mountains to Pokhara, about 20 minutes away. This is over 20 times the regular price of taking a public bus..but there were no buses…or so I was told. Later I found out that there were busses, and that I had gotten ripped off. Oh well. These things happen sometimes. I have so many stories from my adventure in the mountains, but I don’t have the time or space to write about them right now. Grover needs to be boarded with someone else, as my tenant is now asking for 900 dollars to watch him until I get home in July. If anyone knows anyone who might be willing to take care of Grover for 3 months, I would love to hear from you. There will be monetary compensation.

back from Burma…off to Nepal!

Back in Bangkok one last time. What a fantastic journey Burma was! I can’t believe how quickly a month went. I didn’t really miss my computer or the internet, but I did miss listening to my music, especially on the long bus and train rides. I just checked my email and had over 500 messages waiting for me when I returned… It was almost entirely junk emails promising longer, harder erections, stock tips, a lower mortgage on the house I don’t have, and all kinds of other stupid stuff. A total waste of time. No, I didn’t miss email at all. I’ve been frantically busy trying to edit, caption, and burn image dvds and get them shipped of before I leave for Nepal tomorrow AM. I just finished it, so now I can actually use the laptop for updating my blog! But now I have little time left. Burma is amazing. The people are the nicest people I have ever met anywhere. I met a monk in Mandalay who accompanied me though the last few weeks of my trip. It was great fun. I can’t even begin to write about all of it right now. I even managed to take several good photos. I’m finally getting better at this travel photo thing. Practice practice practice. I could spend hours writing about my experiences, but I don’t have the time right now. I have to pack up my gear, get a box to ship some gifts and discs back home, meet Michael McGarrigle, the guy with the greatest job in the world, for dinner, and try to get about 20 other things done here on my last night in Southeast Asia! Yes, I am going to NEPAL tomorrow morning! I can’t believe it! Everywhere I’ve gone seems to get better then the last place. If you asked me what my favorite place was, at any time on my trip, I would normally be able to say it was the last place I was. This trip just keeps getting better and better! Unfortunately, my trip may be cut short. I may be heading back to Seattle July 1st, as my sub-letter wants to move out before October 1st. Coming back July 1st at least allows me to attend my good friend Robert’s wedding in Cyprus, which I have be planning my entire trip around since before I left. Ok….much to to….must go now!